What to do in case of acute breathlessness?
Shortness of breath is a frightening and potentially serious symptom. Acute breathlessness often occurs suddenly and can be triggered by a variety of causes. Possible triggers of acute breathlessness include overexertion, stress and anxiety, but also allergic reactions, diseases such as long Covid, bronchial asthma and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Acute shortness of breath requires immediate action. Immediate measures for respiratory distress include
- Keep calm: Keeping calm is essential in the event of breathlessness. This is because panic reactions trigger stress, which can further exacerbate breathlessness.
- Adopt a relaxed, comfortable posture: Postures such as the coachman's seat can relieve the respiratory muscles, which alleviates breathlessness. To sit in the coachman's seat, bend your upper body forwards and rest your elbows on your thighs. Alternative postures are the Pasha pose, wall pose or goalkeeper pose.